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(3 edits) (+2)


I came here by dying in the "crossroads" of the sewer.

EDIT: I also dislike the lack of invincibility frames; it was very easy to die to small enemies such as the mini mushrooms in the cave and the flies in the sewer.

I'm not saying that I hated my time with this game, though! I liked a bunch of aspects of it.

Also, I figured out that I teleported to the end of the game, because I recognized the lack of exit is because it's guarded by the final boss. Nope! It's actually the beginning.


Uh oh. Definitely a bug. It looks like you've spawned back in your house, where you start the game, which is blocked off now. 

Do you spawn there again if you hit respawn in the pause menu? So sorry about that. Really not sure whats happened.


Yes, I did. I started the game all over again, and didn't encounter the bug again.


Glad you could get back into it. I'm working on adding a couple post jam features, so I'll have to see if I can figure what happened to you and fix it up. Sorry again! Thanks for letting me know (and for playing through it)!


Oh, and yeah, the whole system through which you take damage is kind of a mess. Hope it didn't hurt your experience too much.