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Hahahahaha Moriko I should have warned you about this one!
For a long time I genuinely forgot I made this game. Heck, I couldn't even remember the name of the protagonist. The funny thing is, it seems some of the elements in this game turned out to be common tropes in my newer games.
This game deserves all criticism and I agree with all your points. If I recall correctly, I made this while recovering from a flu so I might have not been thinking clearly. Also, I'm fairly sure this was my first MZ game ever, so I was still getting used to it.
Originally, I intended to make something similar to the Friday the 13th films, i. e., a group of teens in a camp getting killed by an unstoppable killer. But for some reason I changed the idea and this became a haunted house game.
The maps and chases are definitely awful and I'm glad I've improved that in my newer games (although Pinocchio's ai was kinda bad).  But I do like the music and the main villain. Actually, Junior Hendergast and Sandy will be in A House for Alesa 3, mostly out of pity for this poor game (sometimes I feel bad for forgeting I even made it)
Thank you so much for playing and your feedback. I'm sorry but it was quite amusing watching your frustration with this game hahaha. I've honestly considered hiding it from my profile, but it was the first time I participated in the Rpg Maker Horror jam, so I think it deserves to stay
Fun fact: this game won that jam, but it was also the only game submitted hahahahahah

By the way, if you plan to play Automagoria (which is also my favorite game of the ones I made and the one I value the most since it was the first game I ever published/uploaded/finished), keep in mind that it's a side scroller rpg maker game that tries to be an action game, so the controls might feel a bit janky. Also, the doll boss is doable, and staying under the stair can make the fight easier