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After an hour of giving it a good play through, I am still not done with the story but have noticed some things about the game. So here's a brief review. Please note that none of this is to dissuade or put down, as I would indeed like to see this completed and do suggest the game for a download.

-The combat is unique in that it does not rely on levels but rather gear, focusing on having the right gear and skills so that you can take on enemies. Meaning you no longer have to spend large amounts of time grinding EXP/Levels in order to put up a good fight or find victory. 

-The layout of each area is well done, having a nice feel that the world is indeed lived in. 

-Key items are more than just one and done, but rather stay for a more permanent reminder of what items do or special encounters you will face.

-The story is rather pleasing and can be equated to a light-read. While not overly deep, it is deep enough to enjoy the world and see what the other characters have to say.


-While the story is interesting and not too heavily tropey or leaning too much into the isekai style of stories, there is a small problem. That problem primarily being is that the story doesn't properly layout goals early on, leaving moments of feeling without direction. 

-Random combat encounters do not feel rewarding or worth doing. While you do get some items from them, primarily essences, unless you are farming them for a craft, it is better to just run versus doing battle.

-Some of the set encounters do not feel properly balanced out. A risk vs reward customization is a novel concept, but can easily lead to frustration of how to deal with a type of enemy, especially when you find items but are not able to find correlating notes as to what the item does. (I.E. Brittle Axe is needed to beat slimes, but no notes were found before that battle saying what the axe did. Or the Rusty Metal Ring which I can only say that it does damage over time to you.)

Hey, thanks so much for the kind feedback!

I’ll absolutely use it to improve the game.

To address some of the dislikes:

I should point out that the story is likely the last piece I’ll look to add and polish while I continue to balance the systems. Atm, it’s simply an intro, 2 side quests, and whatever the NPCs say as a one off. 

I will begin to sprinkle some lore into the bookcases (to give Artyr, Renault, and Aurelia in general some more history and context) and letters from NPCs on their desks will continue to be used for world building.

When it comes to the “escape” strategy, I totally see where you’re coming from. Without the incentive for exp, when you don’t need the loot or money, and with it so easy to escape, the choice to escape is an easy (and sadly uninteresting) one to make.

I’ll absolutely look to balance this aspect in further iterations by adjusting the trade offs.

As for the balance of the Relics and clues, I believe I have  not sign posted or tutorialized this aspect very effectively yet. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

As a work around for now: The black stones will give you clues about what Relics do and the white stones will give you clues to strengths and weaknesses of enemies that can block your path.

Once you read a stone, you will be able to reread the clue it gives you by checking for it in your Key Items.

The Rusty Ring clue is next to the cave where you start the game and the Brittle Axe clue is found in the Mountain Pass area.

Looks like you overcame the Slime Army before getting the Brittle Axe clue so congrats on the sequence break! I’ve seen people use the Rusty Ring + Barb Garb to get past them which uh… was not intended so it’s always cool to see what “Keys” people come up with (as long as the challenge still feels rewarding, that is)!

BTW, have you completed both of Rel’s side quests? I’m curious as to what your thoughts are on that aspect.

Either way, thank you so much for trying out the demo and giving your feedback. :)