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I have some characters from my games but I have couple questions:

1. Is there any minimum requirements for the character? maybe it must have basic animations, in the original game that is not your.

2. Will you be drawing sprites for the character or will you be asking us to draw sprites for your game?

3. Will you be limiting abilities of suggested character? or will you let say shooters (long range fighters) fight against brawlers (close range fighters) in your game?

1. If you can make some basic animations, like hits, kicks, special moves, that's good. But if not then if you just give me information about like some of their powers or what they can do and then I can implement them into their moveset.

2. I'll draw them or you can, either way they have to be a reasonable size though.

3. No characters abilities are limited but for characters like shooters to prevent camping or just sitting at the end of the stage shooting their opponent they will have to do like less damage but a moderate amount.

Thanks for the answer, I asked cause most of my characters are shooters.

they have to be a reasonable size though

How big is reasonable?

(1 edit)

Biggest is 200x200

for humans like 128x128 is fine

for non-humans biggest is 200x200

Alright, here's my suggested character: Cherro from Cherry On Top

Cherry on Top is a metroidvania so Cherro has multiple abilities to allow him to progress and to reach the end.

His abilities (from first to last) : 

1. Shoot rice shots

2. Shoot Cutting Chips

3. Tosses Rambutan Bombs

4. Tosses Jelly Block (doesn't hurt anyone)

His world is food world, though the game only has 2 worlds: Traditional foods and Cake land.

BTW you might need to up this thread to get more attention from people, especially with latest drama.

Thanks for the submission

Yeah I noticed I need to update this thread