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(2 edits) (+1)


The game requires me to download the text files onto my computer, instead of opening them by itself. However, this is a problem with the very last text file, because the game closes RIGHT after the prompt for final test.txt appears. Either make it so the game doesn't close right after I hover over the FINAL TEST hole, or make it so it can open up text files by itself... or something.

Or, you know... you can just tell me what FINAL TEST.txt says.

EDIT: I think I found what it's meant to be!

"TEST #7: Mission end. Mission failed. Subject dead. Simulation accuracy: 2/10 Simulation aggravation: 10/10 Simulation total: 0/10"


Yeah, you got it! (The game was made with a more advanced version of the development software scratch, so it may be a bit buggy) Thanks for playing!