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Honestly, conceptually, I dig it, but it has some flaws that are stopping me from being able to consider it to be all that enjoyable.

- I almost clicked out of the game to rate, at that moment, a runner showed up, and made me go "Oh! There is a little more to this"
Then saw the gunner, and felt the spawns ramping up.
I'd say ramp up the spawn rate at the start a little, so there's more engagement. Then towards the "end" (of my life) it began to feel very random and unfair.

- It has a hellish RNG, in that you can get a zombie that can kill you without being able to react to it.
Keeping spawns consistent would help.
Have no zombies appear on screen, but have them all come from in front.
Runners, instead of spawning in front, could come from behind as they're ridiculously fast.
Gunners could be sitting around the trees or something.