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I deeply appreciated this, I have a huge update this week, with some more monsters and places, also I will fix all the issue that you have given me, overall thank you for helping

(3 edits) (+1)

No problem, I'm happy you apricate it and it's a good sign too.

I'm looking forward to the update, and also the quests you added were yummy, I ate all the quests.

More of a future thing but it would be cool to see different looking magic circles for different magics later on, and more magics too. It might be interesting to have a basic spell, like fireball, for each element. Also the barrier magic in town is cool, wonder if we will get a barrier spell later on.

More Bugs:

If you have a weapon out and go to another area, your "no weapon out skills" don't show in the new area until you take the weapon out and put it away again.

There are some dialogs you can just walk away from, for example after assessing your magic aptitudes you can leave before all the dialog is said, same with the conversation with Nick. You can also change directions during the One chat, which messes up the yellow magic circle that shows up when he sends you to the trial.

Dashing can push you through walls if you do it right against a wall.

There is some Z fighting with the textures for the clothing and the body texture underneath, while it partly seems like a limitation with what you are using, you could still have something that hides the body textures where they aren't being shown, for example if the chest is a separate texture and the player is wearing a shirt that fully covers it, then the body texture could be turned off since there is no way for the player to be able to see it (outside of z fighting or clipping the camera into the body).

Breaking crates give a decimal number of coins resulting in having something like 1000.832002896 coins.

It's inconsistent what knocks you down for walking into it when you are in walking mode, for example the interior walls of the blacksmith knock you over, but the interior walls of the rented houses don't, anything that doesn't knock you over for walking into it is really easy to clip through and walk past.

Oh this is purely just a suggestion response, but I think it would be good for you to avoid square zones. A zone that has some walls breaking it up will make it much more interesting and make the area feel bigger even if the walls take some space, if you add elevation changes to the ground it could also add a lot, either making it so there are areas too steep to go up, but you can get down, or even just having areas were you have a vantage point to look down from. As it stands now you would just beeline to where ever you want to go in the zone, or to the exit to the next zone with just a bit of regard to where the mobs are to not run into them, (unless you are going to go through an exit then agroing them doesn't even really matter)

In the same vein the dungeon kind of is a bit too repetitive. There is a entrance to the floor and an exit to the next with a long hallway in-between. Making it so it isn't just a straight hallway and having unique floors could add a lot, for example having some kind of fountain room part way into a dungeon that works as a small rest area.

Speaking of the dungeon it would be cool to see some kind of skill to check for traps or maybe some visuals to hint where traps are. Right now traps aren't punishing at all since just moving keeps them from hurting you, but I can't really suggest making it more punishing when there is no way to really avoid the traps.

Where's the update Anra? I need my fix!

No pressure.


Thank you for waiting, I will update it today I'm just checking the overall result because I need to wipe the data of the game

You might also want to limit how many times you can enhance things.