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The game is vey fun! I'd recommend a few changes:

  • The deck builder puts some card very far away and makes them hard to see, I recommend putting the cards either in a regular menu or maybe a book if you wanna keep things diegetic
  • The game really needs a tutorial, so just make that to slowly introduce card mechanics to the player (when possible)
  • The cards elderbug plays face away from the player, which is how they'd be in real life, but when playing against an AI the cards should face the player, to make it easier to read.
  • The board isn't very well divided, and by that I mean the individual lanes. I'd recommend putting an indicator that 2 cards per lane is the maximum (not too hard to figure out but it would help with initial confusion).

So those are really the only complaints, and even then this is the 0.0.1 build so it's not a big deal. Hope to see tis finished at some point! :)


Thanks for the feedback ! I'm already working on a nice diegetic deckbuilder screen and improved readability features that will all be included in the first update and I'll make sure to adress your points :)