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I did, actually, but sure, ignore it. Here, I'll say the same thing again in a different way, just for you: it was a pointless change and achieves nothing except making some virtue-signaling keyboard activists (whiners) pat themselves on the back because they made someone on the internet remove a single word in a visual novel—someones' (their) knickers might get in a twist otherwise! Oh no! These mighty internet warriors, these saviors, fighting on behalf of the poor, poor poc. I'm sure everyone out their with actual problems really appreciate it. /s (if it wasn't obvious)

This sort of thing has been happening daily, on much larger scales in the west, with far more important things than a visual novel. So, do you understand? Is it clicking for you yet? Hope so, because I've already spent one minute too many on this circus, so have fun, I guess.


Ur so silly xeb lol