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Hi there! You need to catalog your video collection first and then import them into KODI before you can get results like that. Have you used Jav-It to catalog your collection yet?

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Yes i did, but you said that i have to import videos into kodi, I just linked/opened my jav directory with kodi tho?

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You need to make sure when you import your videos that your using `*.nfo` or local metadata for things to be picked up. Otherwise it might try using it's built in scrapers and fail to find anything. In addition, sometimes the theme of KODI can effect how things get displayed, so you might have to play around with it.

FYI - The screenshots used were contributed by other users who successfully catalogued their collections, so it does work. It might just need a bit of care and attention to get the right themes/skins/and import settings.

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Do you know the name of the skin?

Hi. Since these were user submissions, I don't know the skin off the top of my head. But judging from the GUI, it looks like this might be a Jellyfin instance, which is XBMC/KODI NFO format compatible.