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Then wait till you find the secret futa scene.

Do you mean the one of the end of part 1 of the Christmas special it took me a while to get that one it disturbing and funny at the same time ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜….

The one with the book? yeah

Yep that the one ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… there also some prizes for doing futa mode.

how do you get that one

Oh that easy do the christmas special but before you begin you have to choose "yes" you like futa complete the maze then in the mansion watch the cut scene before you put the present under the tree search the mansion covers for a book then place it on a shelf, after that go outside (don't put the present under the tree yet) look in the yard for a key after you find it place the present under the tree and watch the scene the reenter the mansion but don't go upstairs go behind the stares and use the key to open the door and you must solve the puzzle after that run upstairs but don't go to phone guy yet go read the book you put on the shelf and after that.... Well i don't want to ruin the surprise all i can say is you going to get a $5000 bonus and a interesting new wallpaper.

i read the book and nothing happened after that and i did not get a new wallpaper

Oh ??? Did you find the key and use it behind the stairs and completed the puzzle???? 

yes i did and nothing happened

Oh okay this is getting pretty weird, okay here a video of a YouTube friend of mine mastermax888 his videos will help you out but it will also show you what happens when you done the puzzle and read the book, oh and the money he earn was from 1.8 version the 1.9 version gives you $5000.