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Mixology games are always fun. It's nice to see the MC turn from a what-not-to-do-at-an-interview example into someone more confident.

The only part that tripped me up was the martini, cause I legit didn't know what a martini was made of before I played this game. I ended up having to google what its components are.

Do you think adding a recipe book or some hints would be something you’d want to see in a later release?


I think a recipe book may be too direct or upfront. In theory, I would believe that a player's choice should somehow impact whether they would have info that helps them later in the game. To that end, maybe an NPC could drop a random hint on how something like a martini is made of, and it would be up to the player to decide whether that was information they would need or not. Or maybe Frank only has one recipe book and the pages are strewn about in random obscure places in the bar, which the player will have to look for.

You make a good point. We do want to have some challenge to the mixology game or there's no point in including it! I'm liking the idea that the recipe book could be lost, damaged, or incomplete. Thanks!