to me it seems like you had a great idea but couldnt quite finish it. there are a lot of systems that could be really cool if they would be expanded upon. For example the weapons are great and satisfying to use but in the end it doesnt matter which one you use, you just shoot at an enemy till you have to reload and by that time the enmy is dead; which brings me to my next point, the enemys where pretty cool designed and at first seemed like a challenge but they just cant reach you if you have a loaded weapon, also they just seem to spawn at a certaint point of the map which doesnt encourage exploration and especially deeper diving that much but i assume thats either a bug or a system you didnt have time to finish. The best aspects of the game where definitly the weapons and the SFX only critique here is that the ambient sound just stops at a cerataint point into a run. I personally dont mind the relativly simple visuals but just a little bit of playing with the lighting could sell the whole underwater aspect way better, overall tho a pretty fun game which grabbed my attention for longer than most games i played so far, so very good job on that!