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Hi Haziq,

I had pretty much the same decision and went with game dev. As your main priority is people reading/ playing your stuff, I'd say this makes more sense. Either way, your success will rely a lot on marketing but you seem to be good at this judging by your Youtube viewer and sub numbers (yes, I went on your page and stalked a little bit!). You've also got experience in commissioning and putting a team together from your first game, which is a big plus. If you haven't got the hang of Unity you still have options for a VN (Ren'Py for instance). 

Minuses for game dev are the added time and cost of a project, commissioning and working with people knowing that your whole project can be derailed if this goes wrong, the strange and unexpected challenges you're likely to face (altho if you're resourceful, you should be fine) and, of course, culture snobs won't value your work as highly.

Pluses for game dev are that you're not so dependent on clueless publishers (don't forget Stephen King, JK Rowling and JRR Tolkien all got rejection letters), you can actually see people play your game on Twitch and Youtube rather than just hear their thoughts afterwards, you've got tools to work with in terms of sound and graphics, and the better you get, the more ambitious your projects can be. Also, the odds are you can make more money in the long run. Possibly. Don't quote me on that.