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  • The "Loading" text doesn't scale properly to 16:10 and stays on screen after loading the detention area.
  • Does this game even need a loading screen?
  • The detention area, shop, and database all have the back button in different corners and with different labels.
  • The UI needs to be keyboard-navigable since the mouse isn't used during gameplay.
  • RMB should go back in menus.
  • The pause menu animations are way too slow.
  • Tried turning down the music volume since the sound effects were barely audible over it, and it muted the music entirely until I restarted the level. New volume doesn't apply until you open the settings again.
  • The character gets stuck when moving diagonally against the edges of the screen. Going over the HUD got me stuck entirely twice while fighting the miniboss, and only then.
  • The HUD should fade out when you're near it.
  • The player's sprite and projectiles should be drawn under enemy projectiles.
  • Reduce movement speed a bit more during slow motion to make it easier to make small adjustments and make it show your hitbox. The hitbox being shown at the start also needs to be more visible and last longer. It took me a while to notice it.
  • Music for the miniboss kept going after beating it. Went back to normal after dying.
  • Typewriter text is too slow to keep up with the voice lines.
  • Make boss intros skippable.
  • There doesn't seem to be any way to replay the level. It just puts me back right before the boss.
  • You can use the homing missiles during dialogue and damage the boss.
  • Too easy.
  • You can't close the game from the main menu except with Alt+F4.

This is exactly the reason why I love DD! That's amazing feedback mate.

I agree with a lot of your points and will make big adjustments based on those. Thanks again for playing!