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Fishing Time

Hey there! My game is about how the main protagonist fishes through the deep thoughts he wished to keep a secret in his mind. You dive deeper and deeper slowly uncovering the story by fishing up memories "Treasures". I don't want to spoil too much!

Me The Developer

I am an aspiring indie game developer, it has been my dream ever since I was a little kid, and I am taking the jump of joining this game jam! This is the first one I have ever been apart of! But I am a solo team, I make the art, audio, I program, everything... 

What The Future Holds?

I am going to be completely finishing this game after the game jam! I have a lot of ideas I still want to implement, and I want to document all of it on YouTube, because I want to show people that you can follow your dreams, even if its just a one person team.

Here is My Game Link! :)