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Hello! Big thanks to you Selen and your team for delivering such an amazing game!

Unfortunately, there is still some polishing to be done.  Here on the last scene a presume on the web version, I clicked the highlighted mascot card and got a JS error for one of the listeners (I don't exactly remember, but I believe it was an "Icon not found" error?). Which then made my Pomu disappear.

As seen on the image here: 

Really wanted to complete the game but seems I didn't have much luck in either of the versions.  As the downloaded version presented me with that dreaded SC3 blueprint under the jar bug, and then the not being able to click on the completed blueprint on the table bug. Though I do look forward for the update to see that finale.

That said, as a software engineer myself. I can feel the pain of the game team whenever a bug/glitch appears. However, overall, I believe that this is a very nice little you game you all put together for the kind of limited time you all had. Thanks again for your efforts. Loved the art and small references to some of Pomu's and Selen's shenanigans. Good luck with your work! 

Hey there I had some luck in getting around that glitch. Might not work but give it a try 

For the piece under the jar you want to position yourself by clicking the jar and then clicking like hell. That actually helped me out try to match up with the arrow that pops when it tries to autopath you to the blueprint piece. 

Same concept with the full blueprint getting close to the target for the autopath spot and clicking like hell got me past it. 

I hope it works for you if you happen to try it.