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Very cool, I love the title screen!! I just wish there was some way to only turn off voiceovers, I don't usually like to play with them on since they distract me :(

I'm also not very good at gameplay-heavy games like this one and died way too many times (I ended up giving up at the 2nd level...), especially because I don't have a mouse D: pretty disappointed at that because I wanted to experience the narrative/story TT

I think there might be a glitch with the bullets? When I'm moving on the edge of the screen, my bullets aren't detected and the game doesn't detect loss of health or collisions with enemies in the first place.

But overall, I really like the art style!! Good jobbb :D


Hey! Thanks for taking the time to leave detailed feedback, especially the glitch! I've put it on our polish board for the future:) As for gameplay, feedback in our comments vary from it's too hard to it's too easy, so we might have to balance on our side. If it weren't a game jam, a difficulty mode could've been included too. Thanks for that!

As for the voiceovers, completely understand the personal preference of not liking to play with them on. We thought about that too, but I can totally explain why we went the route of not giving a toggle off button:

- The environment and feeling produced by the VO in combination with the music is a core gameplay pillar of ours and it was part of the original concept for the game. Giving the option to remove it would 1) change the concept of our game and the sensation we want to evoke in the player 2) be very costly for a game jam, as it essentially means we did a lot of work for someone to just turn it off. In that case, from a scope / production standpoint, I think it's smarter to cut it entirely and focus on varied enemies, more levels, etc. instead. 

- Second reason is accessibility, things like dyslexia, or those who use hearing or sight only/mostly to navigate the world. The goal was to provide an experience that can be as shared as possible (also why the game is in B&W - colour-blindness accessibility).

It's such an interesting topic and wanted to explain it a bit in case anyone else is wondering :) Still, I understand how it changed your experience of the game ;-; If you want to know about the ending, send me a message! :D 

Also, thanks so much for the compliments and glad you were able to enjoy it still c: c:


Aah yes, definitely get that! Personally, I just don't like VOs because they tend to cut me off in the middle of whatever I'm reading, and I like making up little voices for everything anyways; for me, the tone of the game already carried through without the VO.

I'd love to learn more about the story! I didn't get far at all... qwq