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I listened to the songs Klace featured in this VN.

As is my nature I compare them to many songs I've listened to over the years.

And I find them to match and Sync up.

They have lyrics with range and emotion, they are not just noise, or a relative loop, they tell a story.

Sometimes it feels like the refrain may repeat too much, for my liking, but it is something I have witnessed before, so I can correct myself, it was his choice.

He looked it over to check his work to Confirm that it all lined up with his vision.


All you "Azzy" have to go off of is one interaction with me.  You know nothing about me.  Nor do I know anything about you.  You shoot things down because they are not of your interest or support your views.  This is the chronic thing I keep coming across on the Web in concern to Trans.  Its nothing to deal with that you are Trans, it has nothing to deal with who you are, it is your behavior.  It is you who condemn and violate your own self.  And instead of helping any sort of understanding why, you would rather push others away.

For a group that desires tolerance and acceptance for differences, you are the first and foremost one to have the LEAST of any.  I don't exactly have full understanding of Genderfluid or Non-Binary either, but not once have they given me grief for my lack of understanding, in fact they had seemed glad to try to educate me.