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Oh awesome thank you, yeah! I post some of my art to twitter and you can find a huge archive of it on sites like e621 if you're interested in a particular character (like just my Marowak art or wanting to see if I ever drew a sexy Bronzor... which I did)


Don't worry about that lol I'm well aware of any website where I can see some nice art :p

And also if you want I can say hello on twitter xP

Actually there's a specific art that I found out it was you who did it, the days after finding your twitter and I might talk about it because I'm actually a huge fan of this specific universe x3

Ha ha go for it! Let me know your Twitter handle and I'll add you. I had to block unsolicited messages because Twitter's kind of gone to shit lately and people are nasty there


@BlueVessalius there you go :P


Hey, sorry to bother again, I subscribed to your Twitter but for things such as contacting you, I apparently need to be certified, and so to pay a certain amount

So I think I'll pass, I'm not really fan of Twitter like... At all and dming you only to discuss about a drawing you made is not really worth the money (Damn that last sentence is weird)

That sucks, wow you have to pay to contact me now!?! I pretty much stopped using twitter when they wanted $5,000 a month to continue using their API (!?) ...It used to be free!

It is not worth subscribing to Twitter to say hello to me! I am reachable on Discord and Telegram and about a dozen other places for free. 😅