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I got my theme ready, and now I’m working on the visual assets. Gonna have pixel art and then 2D art for simple dialogue. To start, my farming game takes place at a vineyard, so you grow grapes for wine (that’s the main crop and the main export), if possible the game demo will last one week ingame time. The twist? Can’t reveal it yet, but there’s more than one way to age grapes into wine.

Awesome! I Can't wait to throw out the mystery requirements! There will be 6 to choose from, and you have to select 2! :)

oh! When do those get found out ? And is the jam deadline going to extend to accomodate that?

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Read over the post again :) The mystery Requirement is only revealed the night before for *most* gamejams. It's to prevent people from starting early ;) Usually people do standard setup like you are doing, though.

ohh. Sorry never did a jam before so wasn’t sure, but ok that’s fine, I’m just doing assets like pixel art items and characters 

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Very Excited to see your work!

I’ll most likely post it in the art section in the discord. I’m excited for the jam, it’ll be the first one I participate in

(1 edit)   :) I will update it on the main page too!