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I can't believe you are saying this to a little girl. You are a man, u should feel ashamed of your behavior's ,u just want to hurt her psychologically. She is not ugly, don't say this to her.


Finally, u responded


Why are u being so aggressive? u have to apologize to her, it's bad to be a racist


Rly?! 😂 how cute


how miserable from someone that is aggresive to eveyonre for someone that hate, and u still continue. From someone that hate others, and is the lowest person ive EVER met. I think whitearrow as WAY more courage than u by showing her face than u. U rly NEED to reconsider ur lifes choices, IF u even got one, since ur rizz is as high as a f*cking ant


are u still mad of me 



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me 2

Deleted 279 days ago



uihca i luv u i promise i'll change just forget everything, i'll do anything u want 🙏 im not that bad u know that right? i just was mad cuz u ignored and i heard that u hates me from a dumbass called farland ik that he is the one who tries to make u hates me but don't listen to him sweetheart 


But why don't you try apologizing to me not it's Uchiha. I am still very mad 😡 at you so better apologise or else ill still hate u for the rest of my life

ur still mad at her and insulting other ppl 2


I know I’m not the best and we all have default but oohhohoh man the only thing I said bout u were facts


why that mf zephyr posted ur pic ? u know that i choosed u first he is trying to get ur attention ik that 


You know that this is just a game and that I am just a random person playing a trivial children's game (kind of)... You started causing problems and making me a part of this and I don't want that. You have to respect others. You are not here to play u just want to  insult everyone who disagrees with you. Really need to stop


uchia i rly like u why u care about them that much, also im not insulting them for no reason its there problem i was talking to u all the time and they and they started interfering for no reason 


Your behavior is not normal and is not the behavior of a healthy human being. Perhaps you should sit with yourself for a while and think about what you are doing. This is the strangest thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. Do not make me a part of this.


bruh just bc i said that stupid girl is ugly ? idfc about her she was replying for no reason u know that well


I feel like I want to quit just because of you... I feel guilty


and maybe that’s why all pros leave at one point. 

The rotten community is fading away and all pull that wanna enjoy game cant or have to play alone


tf why


1. shes not a stupid girl

2.shes also not ugly


be nice to my friend dima

Deleted 241 days ago

r u serious uchiha? y r u doing that

U know what IDFC if you'll quit or not, i tried a lot with u but look how u doing and these fools. and u called me mAd right just bc i said that this bich is ugly but listen U R UGLY 2 u both sucks, u think that i will keep chasing u but i wont cuz u don't deserve u fucking whore🤬😒

Listen mindless, my life doesn't revolve around u. I have things to care about and goals to follow. I'm not like you..a man without purpose barking at society looking for a date with a strange woman u don't know. U are just a mentally ill person in dire need of treatment. You want attention because you feel worthless. ..u just throwing disgusting words  here and there, thinking that you r strong , but you did not even provide a logical and rational response. U just look like an idiot. I don't even know how to argue with someone like you

A 21-year-old chasing a young girl describes her as ugly, what a shame, and you talk about beauty and judge others..I mean, are you so handsome to bully others, and do you think that someone cares about you and your opinion? U are just an insect among others. You are meaningless,a goalless loser. I live my life here. I get attention. I have friends. I am welcome wherever I go. Whatever I ask for, I get. What about you? I hope to never meet anyone like you in my real life and if u want to reply pls give a real reply not a stupid talk and if u don't have just leave this community and live ur life..nothing deserve:)

He thinks you think about him all the time😂, bro, it's just 5 minutes on the internet and you will be erased from memory because as Uchi said she has a life to take care of, she doesn't even need you. This guy is really crazy 

i understand ur feelings, i changed now dw


u are insulting them for no reason mindless… if u arent tell me y ur insulting them

I was crying about this but i later stopped

🥺don't cry because of him


hes just seeking attention


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Aww thank you shazzy

dont listen to him whitearrow! I personally love ur hair

man 💀 bros prolly like 8