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(1 edit)

Hi!!! Ok so, this if it's so COOL !!! I mean it,  and you're writing + the music give me chills. 

Like when I did seen the menu screen, not gonna lie that scared me so bad. I didn't had the courage to put it in fullscreen cause I did think there will be something that will jump on the screen and I don't need this right now cause I seen a horror movie and I remind of it when I need to sleep...

Anyway, like I did said this story is amazing and I really wanted to read a if with mermaids so bad!! Hope you can finish this project and the others too (I seen you did the if "Blood Moon" so when I did saw that it was you who did that if I was surprised!!! I did read that if and I cannot wait to see the next update for "Thicker Than" and this if.) Thx for doing this if and hope you rest when you fell you need to do that!! 🥰

Sorry if my English it's bad!!!!


I'm so glad you liked it! I hope I have more time to work on it soon. I really like this idea and think it could turn out really cool. There is just so much going on right now.

Thanks so much for your support!