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Fun and relaxing game with a satisfying upgrade mechanic, I like it! Reminded me a bit of Steam World Dig which is one of my favourite games. :D

I think some extra feedback when breaking blocks would have been very nice, especially some indication how close you are to breaking it. I also locked myself out of the first shopkeeper on my first try as I broke the blocks underneath him. On my second run I made it all the way to the bottom tough!

Thanks for playing, I was gonna make the blocks underneath the merchants unbreakable but it didn't work for some reason. Idk, just last minute  code :/

Haha, I know the feeling. :p

I think it wouldn’t have been an issue if you weren’t able to accidently break the blocks while being in the shop tough. One tip I can give for the future: in most engines you can make UI Elements stop the mouse so it’s impossible to click things underneath them. Otherwise, if you’d used an Input Action system you could have simply disabled the mining input while inside the shop.

Well, I'm always getting the block the mouse is hovering over, which is kinda inefficient.

It's only when the game encounters a mouse click that it starts to damage the block, it's coded in such a way that no UI elements can stop it D:

If i continue development after the jam I'll fix all these issues and hopefully make the code more efficient, thanks for the tips though!