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After completion it would seem... You now have someone who will consistently play your titles,  and as a first entry into Monster women, I'm quite impressed.🗿

My ending with Sumire despite the detail it gives can still be left up to question as several questions arise our of it, considering there are no bodies in her cave, also the lack of the teams showing up to help with research indicates that she may have been a protected individual and fed every so often, but wasn't so much attached to previous prey? What happened to the original cabin owner?

I'd like to see more titles with these characters in particular tbh, I'm trying to Rizz up Sumire long term as my Canon ending of choice was marriage.  Also... if Sivka knew what was going to happen and didn't say a word and calls you "master" doesn't that say something about her character?

I wanna see a reference in another game of an unknown guy escaping the spider cave later personally,  I would've never chose to go back to the cave, she wants spider kids, we're smashing in the cabin or not at all. 🤭😳

Fanservice game time.