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(2 edits)

Quite a nice game,

About the things to improve: I would make at least a little more variable obstacles and make the white sticks visible from further (or maybe just change their colors or make them random, but maybe the small visibility is intentional). A nice QoL changes would be more transparent crosshair and the clear explanation of mid-air jump and some NPC or physical in-world button for shop. Also, please add some music.

I actually spent some time playing this game and having fun, good job.

I'd also be happy if you played and rated my game.


ur right, i should prbably add an npc, m not a 3d moddler, but dont worry i'll add one :), about the obstacles, yes i will change the for from 50 to 100 (starting range), mid air has it pros and cons, it helps u avoid obstacles, but u'll have to face more obstacles :)

thx for playing my game