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This game is awesome! The main mechanic is very interesting with a lot of puzzle potential! Even tho the game has only 6 levels, they are very polished and very hard, but fair. I had a lot of fun completing all of them (with 29 deaths, got me raging a little through some of the jumps haha). The only thing that i could think of complaining about were the slow dialogues at the start but I think that could be just a bug, and the fact that the controls are a bit too responsive when you have to make accurate jumps. Graphics and animations are great, the theming is perfectly mysterious, overall it's a very interesting game with a lot of potential!


Thanks man! yeah the dialogue can be very annoying to get through, there are a few bugs related to the dialogue that i can't fix now (even tho it pains me now that i know what causes it). also yeah the collider for the spikes are a tad bit too big, even i was struggling to get those screenshots lol. Appreciate the feedback !