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What would you think of this hypothetical situation?

Too close to home for many people, to be used as a plot device. People diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive   could exhibit such behaviour as you described. Praising life in the manic phase and  ... not ... in the depressive phase.

I had  a game in my recommended games with a thumbnail that depicted a person hanged. Just dangling there. If this pops up again, I might decide to  tell the creator off. Horror games are one thing. But this topic is as unfunny as it can get. Games are supposed to be fun. Using this topic    in a story, especially in a game, is bound to be problematic. It could easily become a cheap tear jerker or hit too close to be funny. 

Also, there is copycat behaviour about this topic, so it should be avoided.  An old prominent example was    The Sorrows of Young Werther