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ADRIANNN!!! The ending did give me a good laugh.

My favorite is the controls. They are very responsive, and it really feels good navigating the spaceship around.

Some suggestion: 

Maybe it's best to set QWERTY layout as the default as most people uses it? Was a bit confused when I'm greeted with the QZSD.

Framerate is very laggy on Chrome, you should suggest player to try out other browsers in the description (I tried Brave and it works smoothly)

Some music or sound effect would be great. Also some particle effect when hitting the obstacles would improve the game feel a lot. 

Overall, good game and I had fun with it.


Haha, glad you enjoyed it !
Thanks for the suggestions !

You are right QWERTY should have been the default one 

We will update the description (if possible?) to inform of browser performance, thanks !

For the sound, it's a tricky one for us, there is sound (ship motor, rock hitting), but they were reported too quiet ! Sad times ! As for the music we intented to make one at some point but time catched up and we were not focus on that, maybe we should have downloaded some haha.

Thanks for commenting !