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This game is hard, but not unfair ! it will time some trial and error but you'll eventually get the jist of it. I wished the game had explained the color changing mechanic because I'm still not totally sure how it works. I've noticed that yellow makes you faster (which is instrumental in fights given how big you are in the middle of the bullets) and I guess blue gives you a shield, but I couldn't figure out in which conditions because it seems that sometimes it gives me a one hit shield and sometimes doesn't. I still don't know what red does, as it doesn't seem to make me hit harder.

You have great music and voice acting, sadly there seems to be a mixing issue, as the music is way too loud compared to the voices, sometimes you can barely hear them.

Wish the game was longer and had pauses between the fights, but still very well managed and a fun time.


Yeah, we noted the mixing issue a bit after finally uploading the game, haha
May make a small update to adjust that.

The shield seems to be malfunctional, I had this happen to me every now and then too.

And the red - Every three strikes, a certain something happens.

And I fully agree about the pauses..! I'd love for this to feel more like an adventure. It feels more like a boss rush (which's cool too haha)

That all being said, thanks so much for the compliments!!!!


blue shield sometimes gets hit 2 times by multi bullets. One removes the shield, and then 2nd hurts the player instantly. There should be 0.1s of shield invulnerability after it going down, and i think it will fix the issue

I believe there's some additional unrecognized bug with the shield.
Sometimes, it straight up doesn't protect, if I'm not mistaken.