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(1 edit)

Is there something I'm missing, because when I try to get Kana pregnant, I get an error line along the lines of 

File 'game/script/pregnancy.rpy", line 538, in <module>
TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

I wasn't able to get her pregnant in the scene where you meet her 'mother', because I hadn't gotten the daycare, or nexus at that point, so I'm not sure if that's the factor, but every time I get that error, it tells me that there's a 'decent' chance of Kana getting pregnant, but she never does...

on a side note, do the green crystals have any use yet? 

You're playing an old version. Make sure you have the latest version (0.19.8), which you can download via the Itch launcher or from the download links above (saves are automatically transferred over).

The crystals have no use just yet, but will become very useful from v0.20.0 onwards :)