Looks like I got here just in time! lol
Now since there is no inventory, I guess you will not really be able to take sleeping bags with you? Still seem extremely powerful, because after clearing a floor, there's always time to regain at least 2HP via sleep between reinforcement waves. If the sleeping bag provides x10 sleeping bonus, that's 20HP per one of these little naps. Seems very powerful, but very limiting because it will only work when there happens to be a sleeping bag lying around.
I think this is a good solution to the "Make resting viable without giving players a perfect safespace" problem. Although, some rooms have such harmless reinforcements(100% Twinkles or Holders) that it's safe to sleep there anyway.
Now getting the restraining sleeping bag into my Vinculopedia will probably be a challenge, it will require a room to have both a sleeping bag and and a wrapper, I have already fruitlessly looking for an opportunity to test what happens if a living suit attacks me too many times when I have a catsuit and if I get something different if it's a loose suit. It requires a room to have both a catsuit and living suits(preferably, patrolling) since I don't want to sacrifice the one that has been carrying me for dozens of floors...especially now that you decreased their frequency even more