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do you get an error message that's says something like it can't download from a different place than the appstore or something to that effect when installing the game on mobile? if it does your permissions are set to block downloads from anything other than appstore or certain trusted apps that apple/Samsung or whatever other device you might be using.

if not that error, please send an image of the thing telling you it won't work, maybe that could reveal something. also don't install stuff like the mac or PC versions on mobile, they won't work at all for mobile devices, and or even if PC or Mac installed, the game wouldn't run well or at all I believe.

no when I try to download from itchio it lets me download it but i cant open it and i cant fine it in the appstore or goodle play

look in downloads, there is the file for installation on the phone

ok thank you

but anytime I try to open the download it doesn’t work which is what I was trying to say earlier

Do You Have space in memory ?

yes i do

Can you give us a screenshot? , to read what the warning said about why it can’t be installed!


I’ve tried all but oc they all just show me this normally I push share and the add to home but that isn’t an option on any of them

(2 edits)

Aren't you use Ios?