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(1 edit)

I think this game is great! I especially enjoy the art style and the cozy vibes. It has a lot going on for it, but there is one major weak point I mentioned in the game comments.

The way I got more players for my work was to give other people feedback to help them improve. It's a nice way of giving back to the community, and a cool way to play some awesome games!

Here's mine:

 I hope Bilo reaches some more players!

THANK YOU! I really appreciate your feedback! 

I'll definitely use your advice and I'll check out your game!  

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Had a play through training and Level one up to first story section and enjoyed it. Looking forward to playing the rest. 

I to am new and am currently experimenting with making videos and talking into a mic. I have recorded the first levels game play. And would be happy to share it if you wont a look. I have a thread here and would prefer to post there if that's ok? Any hows cool game with lot's of potential enjoyed playing.

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Feel free to upload your gameplay, I'd be more than happy if you share your thoughts about the game!  

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No worries you can see it here

It's not very polished. I just play through and say whats on my mind.