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Excellent work. The controls and animations are great (I sat around teabagging and dashdancing for a long time actually) and the game is playable if you're missing a hand. For those annoyed by the wind-up on your running animation, it's both normal for the genre and necessary for the gameplay.

This has a very heavy and admirable Metroid influence in the design while not being entirely similar. I approve of the classic approach of introducing things that damage you before putting the player in actual danger.

Clever graphics! I don't believe they are rulebreaking but I am a musician, not an artist. There are times where you can't see enemies about to hit you (a very common issue in this jam) and the audio cues help a lot, but I would hate to be deaf and try to nail the timing in this game.

Intelligent adaptive soundtrack proving that this kind of thing doesn't need a lot of notes (minimalism is actually super tough to do right). SFX are suitably high in the mix and fit the animations.

This is probably my favorite game so far this jam! I think literally my only complaint is that there's no reason we need to go through doors as slowly as Samus does :) ... Also iffy on your ending but I bet that is a Me thing and other people will love it. Anyway here are some hints if anyone in the comments is stuck in the two places I think people will get stuck.

Hint 1 - This confused me for a moment so: getting a new color does NOT make you fall through platforms unless you're in the appropriate animation and turn into that color.

Hint 2 - In the red area, there is a series of laser traps that have a set rhythm of firing after 8 beeps. If you move or jump on the 4th beep each time, you can move fluidly though this area. Or I could anyway. Most of my deaths were in adjacent rooms.