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(2 edits)

I have finished the game up to the current point on most recent version if you need help ask me cause holy hell is it ever hard to figure some of these things out 

Edit: I actually have a question can you even craft the lust potions will that come in a later version

what am I supposed to do with magic beans?

They're for future versions.

that's gonna give me 100 percent obscenity?

Do you know how to transfer saves and progress from early to late version? I don't want to just start from scratch.


pretty sure you need to go to the save menu then go to the Q page which is quick save that should do it make sure to look at which save is the most recent day though

you talking about the Lust potions created by the ingredient that you get from Mimics?

Mimics? No, I don't know of any. I'm playing the latest free version, not patreon. And now I have completed absolutely all events, but there are still magic beans after some quest and I can not brew potions with them. I have no idea what to do with them

After you get all cursed equipment from defeating mimics, they start dropping a new potion ingredient. This version.

You mean those squids and the squid mage are mimics?

Mimic Chests. You'll eventually encounter some chests that are monsters and they drop cursed items when defeated.

yeah, im not sure what triggers the appearance of mimic chests. Not sure if they only start appearing at certain levels (desert and beyond) or if its based on Celica's level. Right now, my Celica is level 80, but when those mimics first started appearing, i got a game over because they were slightly stronger then the desert level. I didnt have any health potions at the time, so i lost. 2nd battle on, i made sure to have 2 health potions on hand at all time, because Mimics hit hard. But i've been winning all my battles with them since then. So now i have multiple lust fruits.

how do i unlock lily

Lily im pretty sure is the fairy (if not sorry haven’t played in 2 weeks) after you eventually make it to the hot springs (which is after the dwarf kingdom) you eventually will just get to battle with her and thats about it