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Hello, it's me, in this wineless cellar again, hope you don't mind, finally got the time to play the new chapters, tried some new choices this time to get new scenes, the game quality is top notch just as last time, I feel this time around I understand Kit and Franz a little bit more.

What updates I notice I really liked them, I can see the game has A LOT of replayability and I am all in for it, each character has a lot of depth, the new CG art is really something that I would hang in my walls, I found myself enjoying it as much as I did the piano tracks.

I'll refrain myself from commenting on the story too much as I don't want to spoil it but man it is so good, Kit is such a  great character. and the skeleton it's too. actually I like all of the characters, even cousin is not too bad.

Now if you excuse me, I will go back to my chest until it is time for me to be back on this wine cellar.

Keep up the good work!