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Fun little game. I played it and defeated the Kraken. 

A few comments:

  • I think you have a typo in the combat section. It says that you compare your attack roll to the creature's heath, but I strongly suspect you mean to compare it to the creature's strength.
  • How is artifact #1 different than just getting +1 max hull?  Similarly, how is artifact #3 different than just getting +1 weapon?  I get that you can't acquire it twice, but seems like it would be easier to just say +1 max hull and +1 weapon as the description.
  • It would be cool to give names to the artifacts.  What is it, exactly, that I found that gives me a better attack?
  • I feel like the Kraken needs a higher strength. By the time I reached it, I already had an 8 weapon and defeated it trivially.
  • I really liked that you couldn't actually lose the game, but instead could just keep playing. Gave it a real cozy, relaxed feel. It was simply a fun little activity to roll dice, advance the sub, and eventually you get the payoff by flipping the sheet and reading the ending (which was a nice touch).
  • I'd love to see this expanded to the back of the page with more stuff to explore, if you are interested in adding more to it!

Anyway, great job. Enjoyed my time with it. Thanks for making it and sharing it.