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Thanks to you for your support! : D And yes, Alesa will be pregnant but the identity of the father will remain a mistery until the game releases!
Voice acting would be the final part of development, since first I need to have everything else ready (final text and dialogs, etc). I've never made a game with voice acting before but it could make it look more professional and polished, and since this will be the final entry in the series (at least for now hahaha), I want to end it on a high note.
I actually think you would be a good Greta!


Wow, everything sounds so exciting. I understand, I think adding voices should be one of the last steps just like u said. There's first time for everything. It's just crazy how you make the game so fast. Greta would be amazing I love her! There should be a way we can chat in private after you're done with everything and it's time for adding voices. Good luck with finding the rest of voice actors :). 

What I plan to do is, once everything's ready, I'll make a public announcement asking who would like to provide some voice acting for the game (Greta wouldn't be available since you would do her voice). There's also some people in real life who I'll ask if they would be interested in providing voice acting for a horror game.

Greta seems to be the most popular character, even more popular than Alesa and Mr. Bob!

Sure, no problem! If you use discord, I usually post in the Rpg Maker Game Jam discord (the jam where A House for Alesa first appeared). I usually post updates, screenshots and information about my projects there. Here's the link:

And this is my discord user ID: axeltheautomaton

This is the e-mail where I receive files related to my games, such as translations, and where I'll ask for the voice acting files:

I actually wasn't sure if I should wait for u to publicly ask for voice actors or should I just tell you lol. I'm really glad to hear finding other voices shouldn't be a problem. I didn't know Greta was the most popular, looks like people really like her. That makes me even more excited. Ill check out discord now. I can message you to let you know it's me so when you're done with the game you send me lines and everything I'll need there and I send you files back on mail. If that's okay with you.

Yes, that would be perfect! I still have a lot of work to do on the game, it's in very early development since I'm working on another game at the same time, but my goal is to have it ready by september, and then I can focus on voice acting

It's good that you'll finish in September, because then school starts and I'll be home. (Currently I'm not). I can't wait to start. Just take your time with both games, focus and don't give up! Everything will go amazing! :D

Nitqcute, I'm really sorry but I don't think you can provice voice acting if you're not over 18 because of the violent and disturbing nature of these horror games

I don't mind. It's not iligal or something right? It's really not that disturbing to me. I understand if I was like 12 or 13 or if u payed me, but I don't mind seriously. I played both games and I loved them. I love horror games and horror movies maybe I sound too young because I said this thing about school. I can tell you my age on discord. Please.

(2 edits)

I've never made a game with voice acting before, so I'm not really sure. I just don't want the game to get banned or something. However, I guess as long as the game is kept as pg-13 rating, without over the top extremely gore deaths, and considering it's just a free game anyone can play (and the voice acting would be free, just as a hobby), I guess there shouldn't be any problem

I wouldn't want your game to get banned ofc, but I don't see any problem if game is pg-13 and if voice actors are over 13. Even if it "jumped" to pg-15 (in case u add more extreme parts) it would be okay cuz I'm not younger than 15. And also cuz you're not paying me and it's not considered a job, everything should be fine :). Don't worry!