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(2 edits)

Very good game! I managed to beat it at my first try against the "Baby Draco" boss. Here is my feedback:

What I liked:

  • The minimalistic art is clean and charming;
  • The controls are very easy to learn;
  • Backtracking is good for managing resources such as "extra" hearts on the floor;
  • The minimap!
  • The shop system is simple and easy to understand;
  • The HUD!


  • The protagonist could shoot faster from the start;
  • The protagonist could move faster from the start;
  • Some enemies could have less hitpoints;
  • The rooms get crowded really fast along the game, maybe bigger rooms could solve this. Or by having stronger enemies that would require a strategic approach to them (by strong I don't mean more hitpoints to defeat them);
  • Add music! Also, the sound effects could be smoother;
  • When a room has traps, maybe reducing the number of enemies in that room would make the gameplay more pleasant and flow better;
  • The enemies could drop coins! (if they do, that rate could be bigger);
  • The Baby Draco boss has too much hitpoints; How about reducing it a little bit;

Extra suggestions:

  • The enemy projectiles could be animated (fireballs) and the player projectiles could leave a trail (subtle trail);
  • Arrow traps! (not sure if the game already have them). By that I mean some kind of statue or whatever, that shoot arrows at intervals or... when the player steps on a "trap button"!
  • Still traps such as "lava";
  • A buddy for the player. How about a following fairy that shoots as well? Not sure if the game already have them;

That's it. Keep it up! The game is looking promising. Cheers!