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Hello and welcome to Feedback Quest - Visual Novels! This is Hythrain, reporting live with my feedback!

Honestly... I have nothing I can give feedback on. This game is as lovely as it was last time, and I got more into it. Out of curiosity, though, were there any new additions from when you were in FQ4? Just to make sure I didn't miss anything.


Thank you for your praise! :)

I think I have added some extras, accessible from the main menu. Others than that, there was quite a lot of bug fixing.

Okie doke! I wasn't sure if there was something new from what I had seen last time. I can't wait for the full game to come out. When it does, I plan to stream all paths of it. :)

Wow, that's fantastic. Please contact me on Twitter or by Email, then I can give you early access to the full game...