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Wow thank you very much, goes right to the heart :) 

I'm not used to speak with these I, V, etc cadence terms but if I get I right you might be close. Here is how I see it if it helps :

Song is mainly in F# (at least that resolute section at 2.27 as you said) which the song tries to get to. 

Then the aggressive synths parts is structured with D#major, Emajor, F#, then A#maj, Bmaj (first note is the white before C, never sure how to call chords with flats and sharps ^^) and C#maj. - - I just keep that A# note (which is the fifth of the first chord D#) as the upper note on every other chord in that section. 🙄 

So same transition happens at 1.13, 2,27 and 3.46. With that nice altered chord composed of tritones - don't know it's name so here are the notes for it D, F, G#, B(flat). 

I hope it was clear 😅. Thank you for the detailed feedback. It was a challenge to use this audio illusion but think I managed to get something cool out of it so I'm happy if you liked it!