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Thanks for asking, short answer...


As it is,  the stress and trauma rules stand in for old-school "Insanity" mechanics. Things like corruption weren't directly part of that old-school until much later, so if you are using a setting that has corruption, you can track that on the stress tracker and simply roll on a corruption table from that setting to determine if you gain physical corruption instead of the panic & mental trauma that is included with the current rules.

However, I am finishing up a campaign model (see draft below) that sets up the characters as bounty hunters in the old world. After that, I was thinking about a follow-up campaign model that would allow for more of a Call of Cthulhu vibe, I might try to include physical corruption as part of that. Have to think more if it's going to be a good fit. 

It's not my goal to remake all of a certain product but rather to provide the tools to help make those worlds more accessible and empower GMs and Players with paired-down rules to fit any low fantasy world.

I understand your point. For me, a simple rule like Shadow of the Demon Lord's corruption would work just fine.


Totally, I'm not directly familiar with SotDL's mechanics. I likely won't be able to tackle that immediately since the current module is taking longer due to work and family stuff. but I'll keep you posted. might be nice to take a break from the module and work on a corruption mechanic for the GM resources. I'll post here as things move along.

Nice. Do it in your time, without pressure. ^^

SotDL corruption rules are quite simple. Basically, when you perform evil deeds or access forbidden knowledge, you gain 1 or more corruption points. Whenever you gain corruption, roll 1d20 against the new value, if you roll lower, you gain a taint of corruption (roll on the taint table). The more corrupted the character is, the harder the social rolls are and the more attention he draws from the dark powers. Something along these lines.