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Thanks so much for playing! I'm so glad  you enjoyed the playthrough!

Yeah in terms of the ending, I was originally planning a complete anti-ending ๐Ÿ˜… (I find that sorta thing kinda funny) but settled on something slightly more wholesome. As with pretty much every level of this game I used it as an excuse to cram extras in I couldn't find a use for elsewhere, but yeah I can get why  it's very underwhelming when I lie about there being  a grand conclusion that links everything together lol.

I guess in terms of gameplay I wanted to make something that was slightly more of an experience than a  challenge. I feel like in previous entries I did, some questionable design decisions on my part made some sections frustrating (especially platforming sections ๐Ÿ˜‚) so my aim this year was to make a game that no-one would ragequit for the most part ๐Ÿ˜„.I guess it's an interesting challenge for me next year to see how I can put more of a gameplay focus into my projects without making things overly difficult for a jam game.  

I'm still trying to work  out some of the kinks with the unity animator, and  I'll see if I can fix the specific dialogue bugs. I think it's caused as the unity PlayableDirector sometimes skips frames without calling signal tracks when   tabbing out, but I've found it a fairly difficult issue to replicate. Maybe just yoloing and turning  off pause in background might be the best way to resolve it ๐Ÿ˜† (but then     I would definitely  need to implement a pause button which doesn't play nice with timelines ether ๐Ÿ˜‘).

Hope you  had a great time with the game, and thanks so much for writing such detailed feedback!