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I’m glad you loved this little story of mine! Oleander isn’t a bad guy, he just needs to be understood and I’m glad you get to fix him in the good ending <3

And thanks, I decided to go like “head empty kinetic text tags” so that’s why they’re so present here, haha! But in the end, I was happy with the result!




Honestly, I’m just being judgemental and it’s no big deal of course, BUT I HATE WHEN PEOPLE WALK AROUND IN UNDERWEAR, EVEN AT THEIR OWN PLACE. That’s literally the reason I put him in underwear and no it’s not even a joke rftghtrf

Ha ha, yes! And Venessa is named like that because of the alliteration with Venomous, and Orlena means golden, as someone valuable (both meanings: Orlena should realise her own value, and she is precious to her twin). And yes, Oleander is an incarnation of Laradorf!!!

Portraying the toxic relationship wasn’t the hardest part, as I did it in the past, but I’m really happy with how it appears here!

I’m glad you didn’t see the second plot twist come at first and yet caught some of the weird details on your second playthrough! I wonder in what order you play those now, although I suppose you first started with breaking the plate, from what I get from your comment?

Overall, I’m glad you enjoyed my take on a whole new genre, haha, I wasn’t sure of the result! And gosh, nuit blanche Is a wild ride for sure!