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I think the premise of a dragon hiding their ~~smut~~ fics is going to be at least somewhat divisive. I'm pretty ambivalent to it, it didn't push me away but didn't really appeal to me either. I could see people being totally into it, or completely turned off by it.

Gameplay wise, I like the idea but I don't think anything quite comes together. It took me a really long time to realize the I Can't Believe It's Not AO3 landing page was supposed to be the implementation of "Pick the best pairing of characters to corner an untapped market"; it's not clear what this screen does and there's no clear feedback that a character is selected. There's a beep, but it could be interpreted as positive or negative.

The minigames are a really mixed bag. The best one is probably the Flappy Bird clone. The stacking one is so simple I thought it was broken. The spaceship one took me forever to figure out and the train one is just completely baffling. The "hide your activity" mechanic clashes with the minigames; the minigames here really demand concentration which you can't really give them without throwing the metagame. This was probably deliberate, but I didn't find it enjoyable personally.

I don't understand, narratively, how "play minigames" translates to "write fics". Going from hammering text into a page to random minigames seems arbitrary.

I kept going back and forth on the art and style, whether it was good, bad, or both, but ultimately I decided that it's a brilliant take on so bad it's good. It's mostly well done if simple, and the mixed simple 3D and hand-drawn look is pretty nice, but the jittering hurts my eyes. It's SBIG in a kind of "it's almost there but this one thing ruins it" way.

I'm not sure if it's just me but I was never really able to hear the family coming.