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O: A button to mute music and sound effects! Nice. 

We were impressed by the three different difficulties. That's very cool. :3

The controls were very slippery, and the sliding made it hard to control. We were wondering: Was this on purpose? Could be an accident, could be to make the game harder. We couldn't decide. 😂

Having the cones showing the field of view was fantastic. Also having the scrolls of text staying up on the houses where we've already been was nice. 

The map was huge! Maybe a tad too big? ~ 

Thanks for the feedback! :) The controls were on purpose; I wanted the game to feel like you were riding a horse. I didn't want perfectly precise movement as I think it would harm the difficulty of the game, but in hindsight it should've been tighter controls overall.

The map was also finalized as a last-minute thing so there wasn't much time to see if it was too large or too small. I also think it was too large but too late to change, unfortunately.