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(I'm not sure if I'm getting the intent right.)

The instructions in Expression are used at the point of formula input.

For example

 "New condition -> Special -> Compare two general values".

Here in the Spine Object's menu SpineData, various instruction sets can be selected

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In this case, we are talking about the path to the atlas file. He doesn't understand my path and file name. Perhaps there are special rules for specifying. Right now writes "failed to load atlas", "Failed to loadSkeletonPool",  "Failed to CreateSpineData". I repeated the actions on the display as in the reference.

I see.

Basically, I am assuming that the behavior is relative based on the path where the project file (mfa) is located.

The only possible behavior that is not so is that there may be a character code issue.

(Since it is based on UTF8, I would think it would work if the file is handled in UTF8.)

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It seems the root of the problem is the spine version. Is 3.8.99 supported? I noticed that the atlas file has different properties than the reference one.

The version of the Spine runtime I implemented was 3.8, and there was no mention of any minor version after that, so I think it was pure 3.8.

I don't know what minor version the problematic, modified file structure version is from.

We hope to eventually update to the current version.

Or a problem with the working directory path...

In the sample, it is "dat/spineboy-pro.atlas"...

If you explicitly specify the CF25 directory path, the problem may be solved.

Apppath$ + "dat/spineboy-pro.atlas"


Thank you.