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(1 edit)

i think i found a bug, I closed the game with 2 of the golden dracula statues found, and when I reopened the game and destroyed a 3rd, the game said I had only destroyed one, and the other statues were still gone.

i'm not sure if this effects the games actual track of the destroyed statues either since idk where all of them are lol, so it may make "reviving dracula" impossible unless all statues are destroyed in one go, or it just means the text box counter resets but the sequence still works. idk

im still not sure exactly what the deal with the draculas is but ill try to figure it out before i post another build later today

i just posted a new build, i tested it by quitting and restarting at various points with diff dracs, and it seems to all work now- if its still giving you trouble let me know, sorry bout thatt