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Hi there,

Is this intended for Wizard Jam 9? Doesn't seem to fit with our theme or mention anything about the jam.

Hi there!

Well, it was developed in parallel with the jam and I started a bit earlier, but according to your rules it seemed A-OK to me. If it's not OK let me know, I'll remove the submission. 

Also, didn't know we gotta mention anything about the jam, happy to make corrections.


We get a lot of random spam entries, but you had only entered our jam, so I was hoping it was intentional. Mention your jam theme in the description somewhere and we'll be good to go.

It very much was. I mean there was Twin Peaks as one of the endorsement and I did watch the third season while making the thing.

Added the hashtag, the shoehorn endorsement joke and Twin Peaks mention in the main body. 

Hope you folks will like it.